Central Council welcomes appointment of federal-state commission on antigypsyism as a historic step

The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma sees the joint federal-state commission to combat antigypsyism appointed by the Conference of Minister Presidents and the Federal Chancellery on June 20 as a major signal of political support.

“The Central Council has long been calling for the federal-state commission and it was also supported by the Independent Commission on Antigypsyism, which was appointed by the then Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer. This commission was also deemed essential in the historic debate on the motion for a resolution by the democratic parties in the German Bundestag on December 14, 2023. The Central Council welcomes this joint decision by the federal and state governments, which makes it clear that the federal government is also increasingly focusing on the dangers of antigypsyism,” said Romani Rose, Chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma.

The commission’s tasks include raising societal awareness about the dangers of antigypsyism in the present and about the Holocaust of 500,000 Sinti and Roma in Nazi-occupied Europe, as well as promoting the social participation of the minority. The Central Council also appreciates the fact that the federal and state governments are seeking an international exchange to combat antigypsyism in order to condemn the devastating consequences of this particular form of racism against Sinti and Roma, especially in Eastern European countries.

Romani Rose specifically thanked the Federal Commissioner against Antigypsyism, Dr. Mehmet Daimagüler, for his support of the Central Council towards the federal government and the federal states in setting up the federal-state commission.

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