Fundamental Rights Agency launches first report on Antigypsyism

Last week during the 3rd Roma Week in Brussels the EU Fundament Rights Agency (FRA) released their first report on antigypsyism. The report reviews data on specific areas of life, such as education, employment, healthcare and housing – all areas in which prejudice and racism against Sinti and Roma continue to undermine true progress. The report also frames the issue of Roma exclusion and deprivation in a global context, looking at how Roma in EU countries fare compared to the general population with respect to select Sustainable Development Goals. FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty pointed out that antigypsyism “from discrimination to hate crime, fuels the vicious cycle of Roma exclusion. It leaves them as societal outcasts and treated in a stereotypical manner that is intolerable” and that our societies have to ensure that all EU citizens have the same opportunities.

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