A publication for disseminators in film and education
What films can you think of that are about Sinti and Roma? In which of these films are the Roma characters lawyers, teachers or booksellers? And in how many of ... mehr
On 2 August, the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma and the Association of Roma in Poland commemorate the 80th anniversary of the murder of the last surviving members ... mehr
The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma sees the joint federal-state commission to combat antigypsyism appointed by the Conference of Minister Presidents and the Federal Chancellery on June 20 ... mehr
The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma sees the new Holocaust Documentation Center on the site of the former Lety u Písku concentration camp, which was under Czech administration, ... mehr
German Sinto delivers memorial speech upon invitation of Secretary General Antonio Guterres
On January 26, Christian Pfeil gave a commemorative speech on behalf of the surviving Sinti and Roma at the United Nations’ central commemoration ceremony to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day. ... mehr