Antigypsyism on the agenda at EU's High-Level Group on comtaing racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance
The recommendations of the Alliance Against Antigypsyism to the EU and the EU Member States and the FRA 2017 Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey can be found below. ... mehr
Exactly 10 years ago, the European Court of Human Rights had issued a landmark judgement, ruling that the segregation of Roma children in education constitutes discrimination. The Central Council of ... mehr
In an expert conference on September 14th on the topic of “Antigypsyist sentiment and state film funding,” Romani Rose – Chair of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma ... mehr
The document ‘Antigypsyism – a reference paper’ proposes a working definition of antigypsyism, that reflects a broad but systematic understanding of the phenomenon. The paper explores characteristics and background of ... mehr
On 8 June 2017, the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) was opened in the Foreign Office in Berlin. The ERIAC was jointly founded by the Council of ... mehr