Digital high-level conference ‘EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation’ 2020-2030

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08:00 - 15:30 Uhr

#EURoma2030 high-level conference

The EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 is is ending. On requests from civil society organisations, the Council and the European Parliament, the Commission has prepared a follow-up initiative for post-2020, up for adoption in the fourth quarter of 2020. 

In this context, the German EU Presidency and the Commission are launching the ‘EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation’ 2020-2030 through an online high-level conference.

The presentation and discussion of the new initiative is organised around four panels, which aim to convey different perspectives on the topics through short statements. 

  • Panel 1, ‘Fighting and preventing antigypsyism and discrimination in the EU and beyond’ , will highlight the focus of the new initiative, which addresses antigypsyism both as a cross-cutting issue in the four priority areas – education, employment, housing and health – and as a self-standing area. It aims to raise awareness among Member States of the common fight against antigypsyism and discrimination. 
  • Panel 2, ‘Promoting participation by empowerment and trust’, will give a voice to different stakeholders, in particular European and national civil society organisations, to discuss best practices and key challenges related to equal participation of Roma, another main target of the new initiative.  
  • Panel 3, ‘Monitoring and reporting to enable policy learning’, will reflect on the focus on improving target setting, data collection, monitoring and reporting to enable the measurement of progress towards Roma equality, inclusion and participation. 
  • Panel 4, ‘Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Roma’, will enable reflections on the overview of the situation in different Member States stemming from National Roma Contact Points, and national and European civil society organisations, as well as discussions on the impact of the new initiative.

Speakers at the #EURoma2030 high-level conference come from a variety of backgrounds, with Roma fully involved. The event will bring together around 400 participants, representing relevant national authorities from the EU Member States, enlargement countries, international organisations, EU and national NGO networks and European Institutions. 



Biographies of Speakers


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