Respekt, Anerkennung und Rechte nationaler Minderheiten und indigener Völker in der Ukraine

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15:00 - 15:55 Uhr

Colosseum Berlin
Schönhäuser Allee 123
10437 Berlin

Der Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma organisiert gemeinsam mit der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, ARCA – Agency for the Advocacy of Roma Culture, Crimea Media Platform/ UA South und dem Zentrum der North Azovian Greeks eine Podiumsdiskussion zur Situation nationaler Minderheiten und indigener Gruppen in der Ukraine. Herzliche Einladung zur Teilnahme!
Ukraine is a diverse country with more than 100 national minorities (communities) whose members are victims of the full-scale invasion of Russia as much as the members of the majority population.
Roma, Crimean Tatars, North Azovian Greeks, Hungarians, Koreans or persons from many other communities are fighting at the frontline as Jews and Muslims are defending the country together with their Christian and Atheist neighbours. Somehow, the full-scale invasion of Russia brought the majority and communities closer together, instead of dividing them – as it looks like another miscalculation of Russia.
However, specific problems remain for the communities which often compound the problems faced by the majority population. Representatives of the Roma, Crimean Tatar, and the North Azovian Greek community will talk about the current situation and the expectations to the international community and the Government of Ukraine.
Ms Olga Tsuprykova, North Azovian Greeks Community in Kyiv (North Azovian Greeks)
Ms Elnara Nuriieva-Letova, Crimea Media Platform / UA:SOUTH / CEMAAT (Crimean Tatars)
Ms Natali Tomenko, Agency for the Advocacy of Roma Culture ARCA (Roma)
Mr Stephan Müller, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Ms Sarah Reinke, Society for Threatened Peoples
Organizers: the Society for Threatened Peoples, the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Youth Agency for the Advocacy of Roma Culture “ARCA”, UA:SOUTH, North Azovian Greek Community
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